Sunday, December 01, 2019

Invasão turca dá origem a limpeza étnica no Curdistão sírio

‘When they come, they will kill you’: Ethnic cleansing is already a reality in Turkey’s Syrian safe zone (Independent):

The brutal killings were not hidden, nor were they meant to be. From the very beginning of Turkey’s invasion of northern Syria, the fighters it sent across the border to carry out the mission have proudly documented their own war crimes.
Videos posted online by soldiers of the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA) – showing summary executions, mutilation of corpses, threats against Kurds and widespread looting – have struck terror into the tens of thousands who find themselves in the path of the offensive.

The ethnic dimension to many of the crimes has resulted in a mass exodus of Kurds and religious minorities from these once diverse borderlands.
Já agora, o que o PSD, CDS e CHEGA dizem disto?

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