Thursday, November 14, 2019

Ainda as recordações da queda do Muro de Berlim

Depois das minhas memórias e das do POUS, temos também as da Tendência Comunista Internacionalista (na altura "Instituto Internacional para o Partido Revolucionário"), um grupo derivado das facções que Lenin criticou em "O Esquerdismo, Doença Infantil do Comunismo":

9 November 2019

Crisis of Communism or Crisis of Capitalism?

(...) By the beginning of the Twenties then, the revolutionary state was almost completely devoid of the political content it had had in 1917. The state had now taken on the form of a bureaucratic administration that was now subsumed to a centralised, planned, capitalism where every single productive energy had to be channelled towards the accumulation of capital which, even though it was no longer private, was still capital. (...)

But if socialisation is to become more than a mere precondition and have a working 'juridical' structure, the latter has to be connected to a real social content, that is to a socialist development of the forces of production and distribution. In this case, and only in this case, "juridical form" and social content come together and influence each other to give life to a new social dimension. In this collective management from below leads to economic development while the productive apparatus in turn satisfies the needs of the collectivity. In every other case the only thing that can emerge is an insurmountable division between the first and the second (i.e. juridical and productive relations) which removes any meaningful content from either.
[Via Libcom]

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