Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Sobre a tese de doutoramento de Kadhafi filho

Esta é a tese de doutoramento do filho de Kadhafi (também referido no Margens de Erro):



This dissertation analyses the problem of how to create more just and democratic global governing institutions, exploring the approach of a more formal system of collective decision-making by the three main actors in global society: governments, civil society and the business sector. The thesis seeks to make a contribution by presenting for discussion an addition to the system of international governance that is morally justified and potentially practicable, referred to as ‘Collective Management’. The thesis focuses on the role of civil society, analysing arguments for and against a role for civil society that goes beyond ‘soft power’ to inclusion as voting members in inter-governmental decision-making structures in the United Nations (UN) system, the Bretton Woods institutions, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and other institutions.

The thesis defends the argument that inclusion of elected representatives of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in tripartite decision-making structures could potentially create a more democratic global governing system. This conclusion is supported by a specially-commissioned survey of leading figures in NGOs and IGO decision-making structures. The argument is developed in a case study of the WTO.

The thesis explains and adopts three philosophical foundations in support of the argument. The first is liberal individualism; the thesis argues that there are strong motivations for free individuals to seek fair terms of cooperation within the necessary constraints of being members of a global society. Drawing on the works of David Hume, John Rawls and Ned McClennen, it elaborates significant self-interested and moral motives that prompt individuals to seek cooperation on fair terms if they expect others to do so. Secondly, it supports a theory of global justice, rejecting the limits of Rawls’s view of international justice based on what he calls ‘peoples’ rather than persons. Thirdly, the thesis adopts and applies David Held’s eight cosmopolitan principles to support the concept and specific structures of ‘Collective Management’.
A minha primeira observação - enquanto o pai parece um típico radical dos anos 60, com os seus projectos algo vagos de uma sociedade alternativa ao capitalismo ocidental e ao comunismo soviético (que, a dada altura, o tornaram popular tanto entre alguma extrema-esquerda como entre alguma extrema-direita), o filho parece o típico académico dos anos 90/00, com uma tese aparentemente cheia de referencias a autores e, já agora, a conceitos como "sociedade civil" e "instituições globais" (note-se que eu não li a tese - nem faço tenções disso - apenas o abstract e o indice).

Mas, pelos vistos, a tese é um plágio (o que explica ainda mais a aparente falta de originalidade no estilo e no tema).

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