Monday, March 07, 2011

Kaddafy tentando render-se?

Reuters - Al Jazeera says rebels reject Gaddafi talks offer:

Al Jazeera television said Libyan rebels on Monday rejected an offer by Muammar Gaddafi to hold a meeting of parliament to work out a deal under which he would step down.

Al Jazeera said sources from the rebel interim council told its correspondent in Benghazi that the offer was rejected because it would have amounted to an "honorable" exit for Gaddafi and would offend his victims.
Al Jazeera said Gaddafi wanted guarantees of personal safety for him and his family and a pledge that they not be put on trial. It said that Gaddafi had sent former prime minister Jadallah Azzouz Talhi to meet the rebels and offer to hold a meeting of the General People's Congress to work out the details of such a deal.

The offer aimed at having Gaddafi hand over power to a committee formed by the General People's Congress, the television said.
Diga-se que Kaddafy abandonar o poder levantaria uma importante questão conceptual - é que formalmente ele já abandonou o poder há décadas (aliás, ainda não percebi a que propósito o Kaddafy vem às cimeiras e afins, já que supostamente ele não desempenha nenhum cargo na Líbia); ou seja, parece-me que qualquer oferta de "abandono do poder" que Kadaffy faça tem implícito o reconhecimento que, afinal, ele continuou a exercer o poder (se não fosse assim, como é que o iria abandonar?).

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