Enquanto muita gente alega que está a ocorrer um golpe no Brasil (em termos da letra de lei - que permite destituir um presidente se ele cometer um certo tipo de crimes - não está; em termos de espírito da lei, talvez esteja, já muitos dos deputados que votaram pelo impeachment fizeram-no abertamente por razões políticas e não judiciais), onde talvez esteja a ocorrer mesmo um golpe é no Haiti - com a particularidade que é um golpe feito quase sem ninguém (incluindo os golpistas) dar por isso.
Haiti's unintended coup (Bloggings by Boz):
To nobody's surprise, Haiti did not hold the second round of its presidential election last weekend as scheduled. Instead, Interim President Jocelerme Privert has now installed a commission that will spend the next 30 days looking at the accuracy of the first round to determine if the two top contenders should remain in the runoff.
That is also Privert's way of announcing that the election will not happen before his interim mandate (already a constitutionally fuzzy issue) expires on 14 May. Does he stay as president? Does the parliament hold yet another election? And how long does the next extra-constitutional interim president get to stay for? What happens if elections don't happen this year? Or in the next two years? When does the OAS finally declare that Haiti is no longer a democracy? (...)
At the same time, the current governing situation has no constitutional basis. Had Haiti's second round election occurred on schedule, Jovenel Moise would likely have won and currently be president. Instead, an interim government not defined by constitutional procedures has taken over, cancelled the rescheduled election and now has no timetable for a new election process. You don't have to be a fan of Moise or Martelly to agree that Moise is being blocked from the presidency through some fairly unconventional means.
The current situation involves an unelected government operating for an indefinite period of time making up the rules as it goes along to block scheduled elections. Even if done with the best of intentions of improving Haiti's election conditions, the current situation is a break with constitutional democracy, an unintended coup.