Thursday, September 04, 2008

OVNIs e homens-macaco (ou lá o que for)

We’re still in the early data-collecting stages of our project; but in doing so we’ve come across an intriguing pattern. The figure below plots total U.F.O. sightings in the U.S. for each state (per 10,000 residents) between 1997 and 2007 against total Bigfoot sightings in each state (per 10,000 residents) for the same period.


The relationship is strong and positive. States with more U.F.O. sightings also have more Bigfoot sightings. In fact, six of the top ten U.F.O. and Bigfoot states are the same: Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Alaska, Wyoming, and Colorado. Two states, Washington and Oregon, are among both categories’ top five.

[Eu já vos disse que era um fã das séries do Arthur C. Clark, não disse?]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ou entao o big foot é um aleanigena... o chewbaka existe