Thursday, February 19, 2015

Controles de capitais na Grécia?

Segundo o jornal alemão Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, o BCE quer que a Grécia imponha controles de capitais:

In central bank circles it was discussed why the Greek government had not yet introduced capital controls. "The Governing Council and the Governing banking supervisors would be better if there were capital controls to prevent bleeding of the banks," it was said in ECB circles. The Council of the Central Bank also discussed the question of whether and how long the Greek banks in general are still solvent. ELA-emergency loans may only be granted to temporarily illiquid but solvent banks in principle.

[Tradução do Business Insider]
No entanto, o BCE nega que tal ideia tenha sido discutida.

O paradoxo disto, claro, é que aparecerem rumores de que, para impedir a fuga de dinheiro dos bancos gregos, vão ser criados limites ao levantamento de dinheiro acaba por contribuir para ainda mais levantamentos.

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