Tuesday, September 09, 2008

A comentar

Este texto de Marx via (o excelente) www.marxist.org

Works of Karl Marx 1848 - Speech to the Democratic Association of Brussels at its public meeting of January 9, 1848: On the Question of Free Trade


"This competition becomes fiercer as the division of labor enables a single worker to do the work of three. Machinery accomplishes the same result on a much larger scale. The growth of productive capital, which forces the industrial capitalists to work with constantly increasing means, ruins the small industrialist and throws them into the proletariat. Then, the rate of interest falling in proportion as capital accumulates, the small rentiers, who can no longer live on their dividends, are forced to go into industry and thus swell the number of proletarians."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

o mesmo pode ser dito de quando chega uma gigantesca cadeia de supermercados a um determinado local, as pequenas lojas sofrem sempre com isso.

e obviamente que isto torna-se uma pescadinha de rabo na boca, pois ao engrossar o tal "exercito de reserva" o "bargain power" do trabalhador diminui.

as "reestruturaçoes" nas grandes empresas acabam sempre por rimar com diminuiçao de direitos e despedimentos.