Thursday, September 11, 2008

O Complexo de Churchill

Comentário no antiwarblog que descreve mais ou menos o que chamo de Complexo de Churchill (que como devia ser claro, gostava de guerras e odiava alemães muito antes ainda de sequer existir nazismo - o que de resto contribuiu imensamente para o seu aparecimento - e fazia tudo pelo seu império incluindo chamar imperialistas aos outros).

"In the American psyche and in the Western psyche, every war is a replay of World War II. Every enemy or adversary or rival of the U.S. is Adolf Hitler. Manuel Noeriga was Adolf Hitler. Then Saddam Hussein was Adolf Hitler. Then Slobodan Milosevic was Adolf Hitler. Then
Saddam Hussein was Adolf Hitler for the second time following 9/11. Vladimir Putin is Adolf Hitler. Now Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is Adolf Hitler.

The illegal and criminal U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq, Operation Iraqi Freedom, was itself initially modeled on World War II. The Yanks were gonna liberate another country in the Axis of Evil. The Yanks were comin’ over there. Iraq was Nazi Germany under the domination of the evil and ruthless dictator, Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi Adolf Hitler. The propaganda imagery of media embeds and war euphoria mimicked the “good war” mentality of the Big One, World War II.

The near unanimity on the home front and the silencing of all dissent harkened back to the total war of the “good war”. We were fighting the good war in Iraq. Indeed, the mindless Axis of Evil schtick is itself a borrowing from the Hitler playbook. That is what Hitler termed the military alliance between Germany, Italy, and Japan, the Axis. Duh! The influence of Adolf Hitler reaches beyond the 21st century.

So every war or conflict is, ar a psychological level, a replay of World War II. We need good guys and evil guys. We need war crimes and we need genocide. In this insane Manichean universe there must also be trials and justice must be meted out in this comic book soap opera or psycho-drama.

Subconsciously, everyone in the U.S. and in the West, including Israel, is replaying World War II. It is a paranoid, delusional psychopathological state. Adolf Hitler is reincarnated in every conflict and in every war. Hitler is everywhere. We see him in Manuel Noriega, in Saddam Hussein, and in Slobodan Milosevic. They all are mimicking Hitler. Or are they? Is it they who are Adolf Hitler or is it just our own delusional paranoia?

Of course, the irony is that the U.S. was one of the last countries to enter World War II. It was none of our business. We didn’t think that Danzig was worth the bones of a single U.S. Marine. Moreover, most Americans did not care and still others felt that Germany was screwed in World War I and that Danzig and the Corridor needed to be returned to Germany. In other words, many Americans felt Germany’s actions were in many ways justified. At any rate, Americans did not enter Word War II until 1942, a good 2 and a half years after it started! And America entered the war only because of the humiliating Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. If Japan did not attack, the U.S. would never even have arguably fought against Adolf Hitler! Now that is something to think about.

So in many ways the whole Adolf Hitler delsuional construct is manufactured and is a phony creation. It is like some sort of fairy tale or myth that we have imbibed, like George Washington chopping down the apple tree. We created this myth that America was against Adolf Hitler and fought the good war. In fact, the U.S. stayed out of World War II for 2 and a half years and may never even have fought in the war at all!

And then we murdered several hundred thousand Japanese civilians, men, women, and children, in a single day at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We roasted and incinerated women and children alive. And not even Adolf Hitler was able to do that! And how many german civilians did we murder at Dresden, Hamburg, and other German cities? What about American concentration camps for Japanese Americans, most of whom were U.S. citizens? And what about American racism against black Americans, with separate but equal and lynchings?

World War II has created the Manichean mindset that every conflict and every war is a Manichean struggle between good and evil, between liberation and genocide. if there is genocide, there must be war crimes trials. The question is: How do we break this delusional, paranoid mental state that was created after World War II?"


Anonymous said...

este comentario é um exagero, obviamente...
no entanto acerta num certo ponto com o qual eu concordo, que é o facto de se usar hitler e o que se passou antes ou durante a wwii como extrapolaçao, em certa medida, para o que acontece hoje.
em muitos discursos se vê isso.

se houve "the good war" foi a segunda guerra mundial, pois se o outro lado ganhassse as coisas seriam muito piores, sao más, mas seriao piores.

como diria o outro, a historia é sempre contada pelo lado vencedor.

Anonymous said...

associado ao sindrome churchill está o sindrome chamberlain, muito em voga e cada vez com mais pujança.