Thursday, March 18, 2010

A mefedrona (ou droga "miau-miau")

O Diário de Notícias relata que "[u]ma nova droga que já matou dois jovens na Grã-Bretanha está a preocupar as autoridades portuguesas".

Há dias, li um posto de Chris Dillow exactamente sobre isso (essa droga - a mefedrona):

 The demands that mephedrone be banned, following the deaths of two young men after taking it, remind me of last week’s story of Peter Chapman, the rapist who murdered Ashleigh Hall. Both are examples of a Frankenstein syndrome - a disproportionate fear of new technologies relative to old ones.

The thing is, many more young people die from taking alcohol than mephedrone - 5000 a year on one estimate. If we were serious about protecting youngsters from dangerous drugs, we would clamp down more upon alcohol. But we don’t. One reason for this is that alcohol is a known quantity and we have become accustomed to deaths from its misuse. Mephedrone is relatively unknown and unfamiliar, so it is more feared even if it is, objectively, speaking, no more dangerous than other substances [Note that the claim that mephedrone use is widespread is actually evidence of its relative safety - otherwise there would be many more deaths than have been reported.]
E, já agora, mais outro texto sobre o assunto.

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