Há muito, muito tempo, Russel Kirk (conservador americano convertido ao catolicismo já tardiamente na sua vida) escreveu em "THE POLITICS OF PRUDENCE"-"The Error of Ideology":
“Ideology is inverted religion, denying the Christian doctrine of salvation through grace in death, and substituting collective salvation here on earth through violent revolution”
“I suggested that some Americans, Conservative-inclined ones among them, might embrace an ideology of Democratic Capitalism, or New World Order, or International Democratism” [aqui claramente a antecipar a doença neo-conservadora]
“I am not of the opinion that it would be well to pour the heady wine of a new ideology down the throats of the American young…what we need to impar tis political prudence, not political belligerance.
Ideology is the disease, not he cure. All ideologies, uncluding the ideology of vox populi vox dei, are hostile to enduring order and justice and freedom. For ideology is the politics of passionate unreason.”
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Contra a ideologia -> Russel Kirk
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Etiquetas: Textos de Carlos Novais
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