"If the U.S. does not act against Iran, "they'll take that as a sign of weakness on our part and we will pay for it in Iraq and throughout the region and ultimately right here at home," Lieberman said.
E depois do Irão ... será preciso fazer alguma coisa quanto à Síria para não o perceberem como um sinal de fraqueza e... por aí adiante.
Entretanto sobre um Imperador popular entre as tropas (via LRCBlog):
"Today Wikipedia marks the anniversary of the assassination of the Roman emperor Caracalla (...):
* the Constitutio Antoniniana, granting Roman citizenship to freemen throughout the Roman Empire in order to increase taxation;
* debasing the silver content in Roman coinage by 25% in order to pay the legions; (...)"
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
É preciso combatê-los lá se não invadem a Califórnia
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Etiquetas: Textos de Carlos Novais
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