Buchanan nem sequer está presente, VDH e Hitchens podiam fazer a festa, mas sinceramente ganha. (Pelo menos ouve-se Hitchens a dizer que se sabe as a matter of fact que Churchill gostava de guerras e que passou a WWII permanentemente com os copos.)
Uma supreendente entrevista organizada pela Hoover Institution da Standford University, com um entrevistador intelectualmente honesto, o que é raro.
"Victor Davis Hanson and Christopher Hitchens take on the World War II revisionists, focusing first on Patrick J. Buchanan, the author, most recently, of Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War. They counter the essential claims in Buchanans book that Britains guarantee to protect Poland in the event of a German invasion made the war inevitable; that the Holocaust was a consequence of the war and that, without it, the Holocaust may not have occurred; and that Germany invaded Russia only because Britain under Churchill was determined to partner with Russia against Germany. Finally they address two claims made by author Niall Ferguson that [the Allies] adopted the most brutal tactics of those they were fighting and that the principal beneficiary of the Second World War was Stalins Soviet Union."
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Victor Davis Hanson and Christopher Hitchens versus Patrick J. Buchanan
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Etiquetas: Textos de Carlos Novais
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1 comment:
Ah, o Victor Davis Hanson é uma boa peça, um digno representante dos académicos neo-con...
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