Sunday, March 02, 2008

Argumentos contra a "ambição"

Against ambition, de Chris Dillow:


Ambition condemns you to the hedonic treadmill. Promotion to deputy assistant manager (sales) will not satisfy you, nor will promotion to assistant manager, nor manager, and so on. You'll always think that the next step will give you what you want, and you'll always be disappointed. A common reaction of people who, after years of striving, become partners in law or accountancy firms is: "is this it?"

Instead, happiness consists in freedom. And this means finding ways to unshackle yourself from the chains that tie you to hierarchy. Which means renouncing ambition.

For me, this has meant finding a job that will allow me to work from home. On learning of my plan to do this, a colleague this week said: "if you're never in the office, you'll have no chance of getting promoted." Which is precisely the point.


A clarification: I've nothing against ambition in the sense of wanting to be the best possible engineer/writer/musician or whatever. There's much to be said for wanting to master a genuine skill. But Brown's talk of "how high you can reach" suggests he's thinking of ambition in the sense of wanting to climb a hierarchy, which is where I have a problem.

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