Monday, March 17, 2008

Irão: democracia, ditadura ou o quê?

Paradoxically, Iranian elections are abnormal by both democratic and autocratic standards. While they are neither free nor fair, there are real differences among candidates, and the outcomes are often unpredictable. In contrast to rigged elections in which the victors are predetermined, Iran's system allows competitive elections among pre-selected candidates. Hardly anyone predicted the reformist Mohammad Khatami'sresounding presidential victory in 1997, and even fewer foresaw hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's victory in 2005.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Se só pudessemos votar nos diversos candidatos do saco de gatos que é o PSD seria uma Ditadura ou Democracia?


P.R: Os jornalistas não têm vergonha ao classificar aquilo de eleições. De certeza não empregariam o mesmo qualificativo caso fosse num País Europeu.